Empower Your Business With The Magic Of Machine Learning!
The recommendations are presented to the user, through an API mechanism, that connects to your e-shop , in store intelligent shopping assistant display and many other points in the future.
Through the mobiplus app , the user can choose your company and connect to your shopping recommender.
Also you can use the existing shopping preferences of the consumer to enhance your recommender.
The app asks him at appropriate times, additional product purchase desire data < preferences> and so you have new customers and shopping data.
If the user data is available, we recommend products based on the user, together with item and feedback Hubrid recommender.
To learn how the top companies in the world increase revenues up to 30% from existing customers read the following book.
mobiplus member Elevate Greece
Confirmed Innovation.
Contact us now to see how the mobiplus shopping recommendation platform can increase your revenue by 30%!
Test out the Recommendation Engine for up to 20.000 euros in revenue from recommendations. No credit card required. Just enter your company information and we’ll contact you with all the details.