Empower Your Business With The Magic Of Machine Learning!

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How Undergroundshop     moves in the next era of shopping by offering new experiences to consumers in store and e-commerce?

Mobiplus recommendation platform enables Undergrounshop  to move in the next era of shopping using Artificial Intelligence and shopping data! Personalization is the central component of the new era where businesses predict what the customer will buy, inform them and bring them to the physical or online store to make the purchase.Personalization increases conversion rate and

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How to increase revenues up to 30% in the Supplements and Skincare Industry   with Artificial intelligence!!

Harnessing Recommender Systems and Conversational Technology with LLMs. In today’s rapidly evolving market, the supplements and skincare industries face intense competition. With a growing number of brands and products, consumers often find it challenging to navigate through the myriad of choices available. Companies in these sectors are under pressure to differentiate them, increase customer loyalty,

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What are the valuable insights the intelligent paint and home improvement assistant provides?

Valuable insights for your business !! Your intelligent paint and home improvement assistant identifies key performance indicators (KPIs) and data points that provide valuable insights to your business. Here are 20 KPIs and the relevant   dashboard. Main Dashboard (Overview) The main dashboard provides a high-level summary of the most critical KPIs and metrics.  It is

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How is building Your Intelligent Paint and Home Improvement Assistant!  A Customer’s Perspective!

A step-by-step guide from your perspective. Developing an Intelligent Paint and Home Improvement Assistant can revolutionize your business, enhancing customer experience, streamlining operations, and boosting revenue. Partnering with Mobiplus ensures a smooth and effective process, leveraging our expertise in AI and recommendation systems. Here’s a step-by-step guide from your perspective, outlining the necessary tasks, roles,

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