Empower Your Business With The Magic Of Machine Learning!

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How e-shops and retailers   shopping data increase revenues   up to 30%!

We are now living in the Artificial Intelligence revolution with great application in the retail sector. The way ecommerce and Retail businesses sell, advertise and market their products today will change dramatically in the next 10 years. We no longer wait for the consumer to look for us but we predict what they will buy

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How Technology  is Revolutionizing the Ecommrce & Retail Industry-for the CEO

People are afraid of what they don’t know. Today we are on the verge of the 4th Industrial Revolution, the digital revolution. Whatever business you are in, technology plays an important role in your operation. In this digital revolution we see before us, developments are rapid and dramatic for the way businesses operate. We have

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How you  create a tribe for your retail business?

How to create a tribe of potential customers who have common characteristics, desires and beliefs that characterize your product and follow you all the time! The great digital revolution we are witnessing is bringing a new and exciting event. The ability for everyone to connect with everyone else with minimal effort and sometimes automatically. Connectivity

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The end of the mediocre retail is here – for the  Chief Executive Officer!

The digital revolution with Artificial Intelligence , the mobiplus shopping recommendation platform , and the end of the middle class leave only two avenues of choice for retail businesses. In the last 50 years or so, from 1950 onwards until about 1980, there was tremendous growth in the global economy. We are post World War

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