Empower Your Business With The Magic Of Machine Learning!

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The advantages of mobile applications for a business

As a smartphone user, you know that there are now mobile apps for everything you can think of. But do you know what a mobile app can do for your business? Since smartphones have become part of our everyday life, mobile applications serve many different needs of a user: from the need to communicate through

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Is a Facebook page enough for the mobile promotion of your business?

According to a survey by Nielsen, Facebook’s mobile app was the most popular app in 2015 with 126,702,000 unique users! But is it effective enough to promote a business? In Greece, active users of the social networking tool have reached 4,800,000 and they access Facebook mainly through the mobile application they have installed on their

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How mobile devices changed the market forever!

According to the majority of research, you are probably reading this article on your smartphone or tablet screen. Right? Mobile devices have become an integral part of our daily lives and constantly offer new ways to promote your business to consumers, who – as you may have guessed by now – are turning to the

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5 reasons to get your own mobile store with mobiplus

What is it that mobile consumers want? To easily and quickly find the products and services they are interested in on their smartphone. What does mobiplus do? It enables you to have your own mobile store and communicate directly and targeted with consumers! With 9 out of 10 consumers using their smartphone for pro-shopping activities

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